What is the ECLIPSE Project?
NMPED Special Education Division- Excellence from Coaching in Literacy for Intensive Preparation in Special Education (ECLIPSE)
ECLIPSE is a New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED), Special Education Division (SED) program. It addresses the State Performance Plan Indicator 17, a federal component of the IDEA B under General Supervision. Indicator 17 is a results driven accountability requirement that applies to all Local Education Agencies. The purpose of ECLIPSE is to improve literacy for children with disabilities in grades Kindergarten through third grade.
CORE and ECLIPSE Teacher Collaboration
This work can be accomplished in a number of ways, including small and large group professional development sessions, examining standards and instructional resources with teachers and teams in professional learning communities (PLCs), classroom observations and reflective conversations with descriptive feedback based on a focus determined by the teacher. CORE coaches also collaborate and co-plan lessons and interventions with teachers, model or co-teach for short periods of time. Working with administration to determine needs, combined with working alongside teachers to analyze and interpret formative and summative assessment data to improve student learning.